Die Kraft Sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe

The Power of Secondary Plant Compounds

Which substances in vegetables and fruit have a nerve-protecting effect and why

The Power of Secondary Plant Compounds

Which substances in vegetables and fruit have a nerve-protecting effect and why

Unverzichtbare Nährstoffe in Form von Elektrolyte

Essential nutrients in the form of electrolytes

Why potassium, magnesium and co. are essential for nerves and muscles

Essential nutrients in the form of electrolytes

Why potassium, magnesium and co. are essential for nerves and muscles

Heimische Kräuter

Living without discomfort through local herbs

How simple herbs can strengthen the nervous system and relieve symptoms

Living without discomfort through local herbs

How simple herbs can strengthen the nervous system and relieve symptoms

Mehr Lebensqualität durch Schüßler-Salze

Better quality of life through Schüßler salts

Traditional mineral therapy using Schüßler salts for age-related complaints

Better quality of life through Schüßler salts

Traditional mineral therapy using Schüßler salts for age-related complaints

GABA für Ruhe und Balance

GABA for calm and balance

How the neurotransmitter can help against overstimulation and restlessness

GABA for calm and balance

How the neurotransmitter can help against overstimulation and restlessness


small-fiber polyneuropathy

The underestimated nerve disease small-fibre polyneuropathy and its challenges

small-fiber polyneuropathy

The underestimated nerve disease small-fibre polyneuropathy and its challenges

Dein Darm und deine Nerven

Your gut and your nerves

How a healthy intestinal flora can reduce neurological problems

Your gut and your nerves

How a healthy intestinal flora can reduce neurological problems

Apps zur Unterstützung von Nervenstörungen

Apps to Support Nerve Disorders

Modern aids to support everyday life with nerve disorders

Apps to Support Nerve Disorders

Modern aids to support everyday life with nerve disorders

Maßnahmen zur bekämpfung von Taubheitsgefühlen

Measures to combat numbness

How to get your nerves and blood circulation going again when you are numb

Measures to combat numbness

How to get your nerves and blood circulation going again when you are numb


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