Better quality of life through Schüßler salts

Traditional mineral therapy using Schüßler salts for age-related complaints

Maybe you've already heard of Schüßler salts and are wondering how these small tablets made of minerals can help you in old age. In fact, Schüßler salts have a long tradition and are valued by many people as a gentle support for various ailments. Especially when the body is struggling with the typical challenges of aging, Schüßler salts can be an option to promote balance and well-being. But how exactly do they work, what variants are there and what should you look out for if you want to try them? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about Schüßler salts and their use for age-related ailments.

Your body knows the value of minerals

With each year of our life, our experiences grow - and unfortunately sometimes so do the ailments that come with the years. Joint pain, tiredness or a decreasing ability to regenerate are common issues that can put a strain on everyday life. You may notice that your body needs more attention to stay fit. At the same time, you are sure to know the saying: "You are what you eat." Minerals actually play a crucial role in the body, as they support numerous metabolic processes, keep bones and teeth stable and even have an effect on your nervous system. Schuessler salts come into play here: They are designed to supply your body with the minerals that your cell metabolism may be lacking in order to keep important functions running.

What are Schuessler salts?

The idea of ​​Schüßler salts goes back to the homeopathic doctor Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler (1821-1898). His theory: Illnesses arise primarily when your body lacks certain minerals or when these minerals are present but cannot be properly utilized. Based on this idea, Schüßler developed twelve so-called functional agents, each of which contains a specific mineral in a highly diluted form. You can imagine these functional agents as homeopathically prepared minerals, the aim of which is to improve the absorption and distribution of minerals throughout the organism.

Although Schüßler salts are similar to homeopathy, they are still considered an independent method. While the "similarity principle" applies in classical homeopathy, the focus of Schüßler salts is specifically on cell metabolism. Each Schüßler salt variant is designed to compensate for a specific deficiency or dysfunction in the cells. For example, if you notice that you are suffering from muscle cramps more often or your joints are sore, a mineral from the Schüßler series could help to alleviate these symptoms by supporting your body in its self-healing process.

Typical Schuessler salts for age-related complaints

Over the course of your life, signs of wear and tear can occur, which manifest themselves in a variety of complaints. Schuessler salts aim to address this by bringing your mineral levels into balance. There are twelve "functional agents" and other supplements, each of which is intended to work in a different way. Here are some examples that are particularly often used for age-related complaints:

  • No. 1 (Calcium fluoratum) : This salt is often recommended when it comes to tissue elasticity. It is said to strengthen connective tissue, tendons and ligaments and can be interesting if you notice that your joints are becoming unstable as you get older or if you are experiencing varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

  • No. 2 (Calcium phosphoricum) : This mineral is considered important for bones, teeth and muscles. Many people turn to it when they want to support their bone structure or are faced with increased muscle tension.

  • No. 7 (Magnesium phosphoricum) : Also called "the salt of muscles and nerves". It is said to help with muscle cramps, tension and nervousness. Especially if you feel tense and quickly become stressed, No. 7 could be an option to promote inner calm.

  • No. 8 (Natrium chloratum) : This salt is often associated with your body's fluid balance. It could be particularly useful if you tend to retain water. It is also said to be able to support mucous membranes if they tend to dry out.

  • No. 11 (Silicea) : The “salt of hair, skin and nails” is especially interesting if you notice signs of aging such as brittle fingernails, thinning hair or very sensitive skin.

Each of these variants can be available as tablets, globules or ointments and is often used over a certain period of time to stabilize mineral stores. Nevertheless, it is advisable to seek medical advice or speak to an experienced naturopath before starting self-medication.

Why Schüßler salts are particularly interesting in old age

You may be wondering why Schuessler salts are particularly important as we get older. One explanation could be that as we get older, our bodies not only need more building blocks for regeneration, but also become more susceptible to metabolic disorders. The limited absorption capacity of the intestines, altered hormonal processes and often decreasing physical activity mean that the body's need for certain minerals can increase. If stress or a chronic illness are added to this, the system can quickly become unbalanced.

Schüßler salts attempt to specifically close these gaps by stimulating the body to better utilize existing minerals or to fill any storage gaps. Because they are available in a highly diluted form, many people tolerate them well and find them to be a gentle method. Schüßler salts could be an interesting option, especially if you do not want to take strong medication or are looking for a naturopathic approach in addition to conventional medical therapy.

Application in everyday life: How to integrate Schüßler salts

If you want to try out Schuessler salts, there are various forms available. The most common are tablets that you slowly dissolve in your mouth. But globules or ointments are also possible. The dosage depends on your individual symptoms and your body weight. As a rule, you take several tablets throughout the day. If you have pain in your muscles or joints, for example, taking "No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum" several times in a warm drink (the so-called "Hot Seven") could provide relief. If you want to experiment yourself, feel free to look at different dosage schedules, but be careful: too much at once can confuse the body.

It can be helpful to treat taking the pill as a little break. Take the salt consciously and let the tablet dissolve in your mouth while you pause for a moment. This mini-break supports your nervous system and reminds you to be mindful of yourself. When using ointments, apply them gently to the affected areas and massage them in lightly so that they can take effect.

Further supportive measures

Of course, Schuessler salts alone cannot work wonders if your lifestyle is not tailored to your needs. Make sure you eat a balanced diet that provides you with important vitamins and minerals. Make sure you get enough exercise, even if it is just a daily walk or a light gymnastics program. Especially as you get older, it is essential to mobilize muscles and joints to prevent stiff movement patterns. Healthy digestion, a stable psyche and a functioning immune system all benefit from an active lifestyle.

In addition, the factor of sleep should not be underestimated. Many sufferers, especially those with chronic complaints, have difficulty getting a restful night's sleep. But your body uses the sleep phases to regenerate and carry out repair processes. If you don't sleep well at night, your overall health suffers - and with it your ability to use minerals effectively. Create a small ritual for yourself in the evening, such as drinking a cup of herbal tea or reading a book in dim light. This signals to your body that it's time to wind down.

Don't forget the psychosocial aspect: open conversations with like-minded people or professionals, expressing worries or fears and consciously maintaining social contacts go a long way towards maintaining your quality of life. If you are concerned about a particular issue, it may be a good idea to confide in a therapist so that you don't have to bear the emotional burden alone.

Schüßler salts as part of your individual health strategy

If you notice that you need more support for your body as you get older, Schuessler salts could be a gentle and natural option to activate your self-healing powers. Their effect is based on the principle of regulating existing imbalances in the mineral balance instead of just suppressing symptoms. Whether this form of therapy can help you depends on many factors, such as your individual constitution, your diet and your lifestyle.

If you have complex or persistent complaints, it is worth seeking detailed medical advice. Sometimes further tests are useful to rule out more serious causes behind the symptoms. In other cases, it may be advisable to use Schuessler salts in combination with other healing methods or conventional medical treatments. Ultimately, every person is unique, and what provides rapid relief for one person may not be as effective for another.

Nevertheless, Schüßler salts are easy to use and are well tolerated by many people. Their use requires neither extensive prior knowledge nor complicated equipment. Especially if you value gentle methods and want to help your body regulate itself from within, Schüßler salts could be exactly the right approach to strengthen you and your health as you get older.


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