Pain in Numbers
What are the most common pains and what you can do – an overview...
Pain in Numbers
What are the most common pains and what you can do – an overview

Decreasing life expectancy?
For several years now, figures from America and Europe have suggested that our life...
Decreasing life expectancy?
For several years now, figures from America and Europe have suggested that our life expectancy has reached a peak for the time being.

vitamin bomb fig
The wonderful fig: A sweet and healthy miracle cure of nature
vitamin bomb fig
The wonderful fig: A sweet and healthy miracle cure of nature

Irritable bowel syndrome – a result of stress?
Why an irritated bowel can affect anyone and how you can escape the unhealthy...
Irritable bowel syndrome – a result of stress?
Why an irritated bowel can affect anyone and how you can escape the unhealthy spiral in time.

Ayurvedic herbal oil
Ayurvedic herbal oil for skin and hair: How to make it yourself
Ayurvedic herbal oil
Ayurvedic herbal oil for skin and hair: How to make it yourself

trending topic of yoga
What is the truth behind the healing promise and is yoga suitable for all...
trending topic of yoga
What is the truth behind the healing promise and is yoga suitable for all ages?

Omega-3 with side effects
Salmon Alert: What Omega-3 from Salmon Really Means for Your Body and the Environment
Omega-3 with side effects
Salmon Alert: What Omega-3 from Salmon Really Means for Your Body and the Environment

Dangerous mobile phone use
The end of boredom – How the smartphone steals our last free minutes and...
Dangerous mobile phone use
The end of boredom – How the smartphone steals our last free minutes and what that means for our (mental) health

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