Schlafen wie ein Baby

Sleeping like a baby

Who sleeps how much and how well or badly, and how can you improve...

Sleeping like a baby

Who sleeps how much and how well or badly, and how can you improve your sleep?

Unterschätzte Gurken

Underrated Cucumbers

How they cool your body from the inside and when this is especially important...

Underrated Cucumbers

How they cool your body from the inside and when this is especially important

Massenmörder Stress

mass murderer stress

How stress can massively reduce our life expectancy, where it arises and which types...

mass murderer stress

How stress can massively reduce our life expectancy, where it arises and which types of stress are particularly dangerous

Achtsamkeit im Alltag

Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Mindfulness in everyday life: Small rituals for more serenity

Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Mindfulness in everyday life: Small rituals for more serenity

Birne mal ganz anders

pear in a different way

8 extraordinary flavor combinations and recipes for a particularly healthy local fruit

pear in a different way

8 extraordinary flavor combinations and recipes for a particularly healthy local fruit

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Why you should definitely drink its juice and how to recognize high-quality aloe products....

Aloe Vera

Why you should definitely drink its juice and how to recognize high-quality aloe products.

Plastik im Alltag

Plastic in Everyday Life

Useful and easy-to-implement tips for a plastic-free lifestyle

Plastic in Everyday Life

Useful and easy-to-implement tips for a plastic-free lifestyle



An Italian love story that flatters your liver.


An Italian love story that flatters your liver.

Blockaden lösen – Osteopathie

Resolving Blockages – Osteopathy

Osteopathy for restless legs and polyneuropathy – How targeted hand movements can really help...

Resolving Blockages – Osteopathy

Osteopathy for restless legs and polyneuropathy – How targeted hand movements can really help you


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