Acupuncture - underestimated needles?
Have you ever thought about trying acupuncture? The thousands of years old method of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has long since found its way into the western world and is used to treat a wide range of ailments. Acupuncture can be a valuable addition to conventional therapy, especially for people who suffer from chronic nerve pain, restless legs syndrome (RLS) or polyneuropathy. The small needles are not only supposed to relieve pain, but also calm the nerves and improve sleep - a blessing for anyone who struggles with restless legs all night long or whose nerves are on edge. But what is really behind it? How does acupuncture work and what should you look out for when considering this form of therapy? Let's delve into the world of acupuncture together and find out how it can help you bring your body back into balance and sustainably improve your quality of life.
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