Sprachen Lernen

Language Learning

Learning languages ​​keeps the brain young – The best tips and apps for every...

Language Learning

Learning languages ​​keeps the brain young – The best tips and apps for every age

Heilpflanzen bei RLS

Medicinal Plants for RLS

How valerian, St. John's wort and co. can help with restless legs and nerve...

Medicinal Plants for RLS

How valerian, St. John's wort and co. can help with restless legs and nerve pain

Vitamine für die Nerven

Vitamins for the nerves

How vitamins strengthen the nerves – The most important nutrients and daily requirements for...

Vitamins for the nerves

How vitamins strengthen the nerves – The most important nutrients and daily requirements for polyneuropathy


AI revolution

How AI is changing our everyday lives – A look into the future

AI revolution

How AI is changing our everyday lives – A look into the future

Schuhe bei Polyneuropathie

Shoes for Polyneuropathy

Why the right choice is crucial and which models really help.

Shoes for Polyneuropathy

Why the right choice is crucial and which models really help.

Nervennahrung Nüsse

Nuts for the nerves

Why they play an important role, especially in nervous disorders.

Nuts for the nerves

Why they play an important role, especially in nervous disorders.

Musik in deinen Ohren

Music to your ears

Why cows give more milk when fed classical music and what you can learn...

Music to your ears

Why cows give more milk when fed classical music and what you can learn from it

Minimalismus – ist weniger mehr?

Minimalism – is less more?

Why less is sometimes more and how you can declutter your home (and your...

Minimalism – is less more?

Why less is sometimes more and how you can declutter your home (and your phone) and become more relaxed

Unverträglichkeiten – Mythos oder Resultat unserer Zeit?

Intolerances – myth or result of our time?

Why your diet makes the difference and how to recognize hidden triggers.

Intolerances – myth or result of our time?

Why your diet makes the difference and how to recognize hidden triggers.


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