Wait and drink tea? Why you can do a lot for your health with the right tea for many age-related ailments such as rheumatism, nerve pain and high blood pressure. The most important types of tea under the microscope.
To get straight to the point – Stefan and I are both coffee drinkers. And that’s despite the fact that we’ve known for some time now how incredibly healthy certain types of tea can be. Tea is a wonderful way for your body to cleanse itself from the inside out and many medicinal herbs also stimulate valuable processes in you – and the older you get, the more important the self-healing work your body does is. Whether it’s cancer, typical age-related illnesses such as rheumatism, nerve pain, high blood pressure or even diabetes and Alzheimer’s – no illness just comes about and suddenly breaks out. Even at a young age, but at the latest in early adulthood, inflammation, small cancerous tissue and many other harmful processes regularly occur – a constant battle of the body against deterioration, which it usually decides for itself over many decades. What we eat and drink is so central to this that we are paying particular attention to this topic here – today in the form of healing teas.
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