A critical look at the risks and side effects of RLS and polyneuropathy Cannabis is increasingly being discussed as a medical option, including for conditions such as restless legs syndrome (RLS) and polyneuropathy. In recent years, society's image of cannabis has become largely more positive - mainly because of its potentially therapeutic effects. But despite the current enthusiasm and increasing availability, there are significant risks that are often overlooked. Cannabis should be viewed critically, especially when it comes to the development of addiction and the long-term effects on the body. I, Carsten, one of the founders of Kalter Bruder®, have a lot of experience with cannabis myself and have been suffering from RLS and the associated sleep disorders for over ten years. Even though cannabis helped me on a few sleepless nights, I quickly experienced severe side effects and the onset of an addiction. In this article we want to clarify: What are the risks and consequences of consuming cannabis, especially with long-term use? And what alternatives - such as CBD - are available to achieve safe and lasting relief from the symptoms?
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