The Hypnosis Trend

How to Reduce Stress and Alleviate Pain with the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Hypnosis - the word alone conjures up images of mysterious magicians who put people into a deep sleep. But the reality is different. In Germany, more and more people are using hypnosis as a serious form of therapy to reduce stress, overcome fears and even relieve chronic pain. According to a survey by the Allensbach Institute for Demoscopy, around 7% of Germans use hypnosis to treat various ailments. Did you know that hypnosis can even help to increase the effect of painkillers? Or that it is used to treat sleep disorders?

Although hypnosis is not yet as widespread in Germany as in other countries, interest in this method is growing steadily. More and more people are realizing that hypnosis can help to release deep-seated blockages and use the subconscious for positive changes. In this article, you will learn exactly how hypnosis works, what amazing effects it can have on your body and how it can help you specifically with age-related illnesses such as restless legs syndrome (RLS) and polyneuropathy.

Superhuman powers?

Did you know that people can perform extreme physical feats under hypnosis? There are reports of hypnosis patients who have spent long periods of time in ice-cold water without showing any signs of hypothermia. Surgical procedures without anesthesia have also been successfully performed under hypnosis - the patients felt no pain! This shows how powerful our minds are when addressed correctly. 

A very similar phenomenon is known from the Shaolin monks, who can use their minds to make their bodies so resilient that stones, spearheads and even fire cannot harm them. This works through decades of training, during which the monks learn to expand their mental and physical limits. They use techniques such as meditation, breath control and extreme physical exercises to put their minds into a state of absolute control. This mental state allows them to block pain and control their bodies in ways that seem inexplicable to many.

In comparison, hypnosis works on a different level: while the Shaolin monks build up their skills through long-term training, hypnosis uses targeted suggestions to bring the mind into a state of deep relaxation and focus. Under hypnosis, consciousness is influenced in such a way that the body reacts to direct instructions - for example, by switching off the sensation of pain or by specifically regulating blood flow. From a biological point of view, hypnosis achieves its effects by activating certain regions of the brain that are responsible for the perception and processing of pain and stress. These areas are influenced in such a way that they can either perceive stimuli more intensely or block them out completely.

The key difference, then, is that the Shaolin monks' control over their bodies is the result of continuous, conscious self-discipline and physical conditioning, while hypnosis is a deliberate manipulation of the mind and the body's biological responses in a mostly therapeutic context. Both demonstrate in a striking way how powerfully our minds can influence the body, but they use different mechanisms and approaches to achieve this influence.

How can hypnosis be used for health?

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and heightened concentration, in which the subconscious is particularly receptive to positive suggestions. Contrary to popular belief, you do not lose control of yourself - on the contrary, you are fully conscious at all times and can decide for yourself how deeply you want to immerse yourself in the hypnotic state. The hypnotherapist guides you into this state using targeted techniques in order to work on specific issues, such as relieving pain, treating anxiety or promoting relaxation.

The Power of Thoughts – What Influence Our Head Has on Processes in the Body

Our thoughts have immense power over our bodies. Studies show that mental processes can trigger physical reactions that go far beyond what we can consciously control. One example of this is the so-called placebo effect: when people believe that they are taking an effective medication, this belief alone can lead to an improvement in their symptoms - even if they have only received an ineffective medication.

A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience in 2016 showed that patients under hypnosis had a significantly reduced sensation of pain, even with intense pain stimuli. The researchers attributed this to the altered activity in certain brain regions responsible for pain processing. Another example is the ability to influence the heartbeat. A study by Harvard Medical School showed that people under hypnosis were able to specifically lower their pulse and blood pressure - an effect that can be particularly beneficial for people with cardiovascular diseases.

  1. Hypnosis for stress and anxiety: Stress and anxiety are omnipresent in our modern society and can significantly affect our quality of life. Hypnosis can offer valuable support here by helping to calm the mind and resolve deep-rooted fears. Studies show that regular hypnosis sessions can significantly reduce stress levels. Hypnosis can be a valuable addition to other forms of therapy, particularly in cases of chronic stress that is accompanied by physical complaints such as high blood pressure or sleep disorders.
  2. Hypnosis for pain management: Chronic pain can make life hell. Many people who suffer from conditions such as arthritis, migraines or back pain have already tried everything possible - from medication to invasive procedures. Hypnosis offers a gentle but effective alternative. The deeply relaxed state during hypnosis can reduce pain sensations and increase well-being. Some patients even report complete relief from pain after just a few sessions.
  3. Hypnosis for restless legs syndrome (RLS): Hypnosis helps to put the body into a state of deep relaxation, which can alleviate the uncontrollable movements and discomfort that are typical of RLS. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine showed that patients who regularly received hypnotic suggestions to relax and control their leg movements reported a significant improvement in their symptoms. In particular, the time it took to fall asleep could be shortened by hypnosis, which contributed to better sleep quality.
  4. Hypnosis for polyneuropathy: Polyneuropathy, a condition that is associated with nerve damage and often severe pain, can also be positively influenced by hypnosis. In a study conducted by the University of Würzburg, patients with polyneuropathy reported that their pain intensity had decreased significantly after several hypnosis sessions. Hypnosis can help modulate the pain signals that the brain receives and thereby alleviate the sensations. This technique can be particularly useful for patients who do not respond adequately to conventional painkillers.
  5. Hypnobirthing: Hypnobirthing, a growing trend among expectant mothers, promises a gentler and more self-determined birth experience through the use of hypnosis techniques. More and more women swear by hypnobirthing to reduce stress and anxiety during birth and to support the natural birth process. Studies show that hypnobirthing not only reduces the need for painkillers, but also leads to a more relaxed and positive birth experience. Join the trend and discover how hypnobirthing can help you experience the birth of your child in complete peace and serenity.

Important note on hypnosis

Although hypnosis has positive effects on many people, it is not suitable for everyone. People with serious mental illnesses should only consider hypnosis treatment after consulting a doctor or psychotherapist. It is important that you only place yourself in the hands of an experienced and qualified hypnotherapist. Make sure that your therapist has the appropriate training and certification. 

Further scientific studies

The effectiveness of hypnosis is well documented and supported by numerous studies. A 2015 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Pain Research found that hypnosis can be extremely effective in treating chronic pain. This analysis, which included 85 individual studies with over 3,500 participants, showed that hypnosis not only significantly reduces pain intensity, but also improves the quality of life of those affected.

In addition, a study published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders showed that hypnosis can significantly reduce anxiety. In this study, 200 patients with generalized anxiety disorder were treated, with 70% of the subjects experiencing a significant improvement in their symptoms after just six sessions.

Another notable example is a study published in 2017 in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis . It examined the effect of hypnosis on the sleep quality of people with chronic sleep disorders. The results were impressive: 76% of participants reported a significant improvement in their sleep quality after eight weeks of hypnotherapy. These results underline the potential of hypnosis, especially in the treatment of stress-related and chronic complaints, and make it a valuable tool in modern medicine.

The ongoing scientific research into hypnosis not only confirms its effectiveness, but also helps to better understand the mechanisms by which hypnosis works in the brain and body. This leads to an ever wider acceptance and application of hypnosis in various medical fields, from pain management to the treatment of mental disorders.

Practical tips for use

If you are considering trying hypnosis, here are some tips:

  • Trust your hypnotherapist: A trusting relationship is crucial for the success of hypnosis. Therefore, choose a therapist with whom you feel comfortable.
  • Rely on regular sessions: Hypnosis can be fully effective when used regularly, so schedule several sessions to achieve the best results.
  • Combine hypnosis with other relaxation methods: Hypnosis can be combined well with other techniques such as meditation or breathing exercises to enhance the relaxation effect.

Will the cash register take over?

For specific medical conditions such as restless legs syndrome (RLS) or polyneuropathy, hypnotherapy is generally not covered by statutory health insurance in Germany. These illnesses are usually treated primarily with medication and physical therapy, and hypnosis is not a standard form of therapy in these cases.

However, hypnosis can be helpful as a complementary therapy in managing symptoms such as sleep disorders, chronic pain or anxiety, which often accompany RLS or polyneuropathy. In these cases, however, hypnosis is usually offered as an individual health service (IGeL), which means that the costs must be borne by the patients themselves.

As with other areas of application of hypnosis, the insurance company can check whether the costs will be covered on a case-by-case basis, especially if the hypnosis is part of a more comprehensive psychotherapeutic treatment by a qualified therapist. However, it is unlikely that the insurance companies will pay for hypnotherapy specifically for RLS or polyneuropathy, as it is not recognized as standard treatment for these conditions. Patients should therefore find out more in advance and, if necessary, speak to their insurance company to clarify the possibilities of reimbursement.

Conclusion: What you can take away for yourself

Hypnosis is a powerful method for releasing deep-rooted blockages, reducing stress and relieving chronic pain. Hypnosis can be a valuable addition to conventional medical treatment, particularly for age-related illnesses such as RLS and polyneuropathy. With a qualified hypnotherapist at your side, you can learn to use the power of your subconscious to sustainably improve your quality of life. So why not take the first step and try out this fascinating technique?


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